Home Automation

Irrigation Schedule

  • Summer watering schedule (jun-sep) > (A) Lawn every day 15min in morning, (B) Drip every day 15min in morning, (C) Lawn every day at 2 and 7 for 10min
  • Spring/Fall watering schedule (mar-jun and sep-nov) > (A) Lawn 3 days per week 15min in morning, (B) Drip 3 days per week 15min in morning, (C) turned off

*Check lawn coverage each month in summer

If Chromecast is not connecting (eg, to spa TV), then remove and move closer to house/router and connect/test it – then move it back and it should work

To reconnect Chromecast when offline (like after power goes out): unplug and plug back in – to connect Chromecast when power is out: 1) get 2 phones and create hotspot on one and set up new “home” on other to connect to Chromecast, 2) go to Google Home app, 3) hit “+” in upper left corner, 4) go to “create new home” and set up Chromecast with new wi-fi, 5) casting option should now appear on Netflix, YouTube, etc

NEST >> if it goes offline and app won’t re-connect to thermostat:
On thermostat go to Reset >> Network, then go to Network and re-enter network password (not Nest password)

Arlo >> if camera is not connected (or offline), press on/off button on base station to reset

WEMO >> if switches not connecting, go into app and clear cache; uninstalling and reinstalling the app saves all the devices and rules but deletes device photos
Instructions for WEMO Wi-Fi reset >>
Plugs – use button at top and push once to reconnect, hold down for 3+ seconds to reset (hold down until blinking blue/yellow) connect directly to device via Wi-Fi, open WEMO and let it do the rest (device name and settings should be saved possibly not when removing devices from app and resetting devices)
Switches – go to device settings in app and press “reset Wi-Fi” or use buttons at bottom of switch to reconnect or reset, then connect directly to device via Wi-Fi, open WEMO and let it do the rest (device name and settings should be saved)
Resetting “switches” is a pain! Must press reset switch multiple times to keep in pairing mode

< thru Oct >
Columns – 7:30p-3:30a
Front house lights – 7:30p-6:30a
Front door lights – 7:30p-6:30a
Front door fan – 11a-11p
Front fountain – 6p-11:30p
Trellis lights – 7:30p-11:30p
Ficus – 7:30p-11:30p
Yard lights – 7:30p-11p

< thru Mar >
Columns – 4:30p-3:30a
Front house lights – 5p-6:30a
Front door lights – 5p-6:30a
Front door fan – off
Front fountain – 5p-11:30p
Trellis lights – 5p-11:30p
Ficus – 5p-11:30p
Yard lights – 4:45p-11p

Eufy L35 hybrid vacuum setup >
Go through setup in app
Turn off
Turn on, 3 secs
Press both buttons to reset wifi
Connect to wifi in app
Connect to vacuum in WiFi settings
Press back button once connected to get back into app